Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

photography without camera

I still stare at people in the U-bahn and in the S-bahn, like I’d never see them again, as if I have to memorize their faces. Only 7 days are left until my monthly ticket runs out, and I will be riding my bike from then on.
One man and two women get on the train, I’m observing them, guessing where they would possibly be getting out. The man is not doing anything. He is dressed fashionably. He is the “Senefelder Platz” or “Eberswalder Strasse” type, glasses, coat, no smartphone. No bag. He seems naked somehow. He can’t be travelling far. He gets out before the women do. One of the women has a white iPhone, a white iPad and a bright coloured bag. Her coat is new, and her leather boots are clean… She is definitely getting out at “Eberswalder Strasse”. She is texting on her iPhone, looking straight through me. She is thinking, day dreaming and finally she gets a response. She is reading a text message on her iPhone, smiles slightly, and even lets out a laugh. That adds a touch of beauty, despite her wide nose and her round face… she’s so neat, the way her hair is combed, not a single tangle. The way she was dressed, and the way she laughs, that makes her really pretty. “Eberswalder Strasse!” She gets out! I’ve guessed everything right until now.
The other woman looks pretty, she doesn’t seem to be as uptight, but rather more casual. I would say, she is getting out at “Schoenhauser Allee”. She’s very pale, her eyes are light brown and she’s very attractive. She sits down exactly where the laughing woman had been. She wouldn’t be sitting down, if it were just one station. I probably won’t get this one right.
Like the other, she takes her phone and starts typing. She receives messages. “Schoenhauser”. She didn’t get out. Damn it!
While I get out at Vinetastrasse, I notice tears are running down her face. One of the messages left her in tears. She stares right through me and continues riding the train.

street photography 

translation: sabrina little, Berlin